Ep. 083: Life on the Other Side of "Busy" w/ Shunta Grant


In a world obsessed with productivity and "busyness" it's easy to feel like doing more is better. But Shunta Grant is here to show women not only is that a myth, but there's a better way. Instead of crossing off endless To Do lists, she encourages people to really look at what matters most and then focus on getting to a result that moves you closer to your goals. She has programs and products designed to help you get to the other side of busy and in this episode we talk about how you can do more of the work that matters and enjoy more time off.

In a world telling women to “do it all,” Shunta Grant teaches women to joyfully decline a life filled with the overwhelm, tension and discontentment brought on by a constant state of busy-ness. Shunta helps women live life (and build businesses) on the OTHER side of busy. Shunta is the creator of the Best Today™ Brand which equips women with resources to be proactive and intentional with their time. Her signature product, the Best Today™ Guide, helps women get clear on what they want and provides a simple three-step process to guide women toward their vision for the future one today at a time. Shunta also trains business owners, leaders and teams how to grow mission-minded companies through her signature program and framework, Peace Pace Progress™. To learn more about Shunta and how she can help you on your journey visit shuntagrant.com

Website: shuntagrant.com


  • Hi, Shantay. Welcome to the cell it sister podcast. I am absolutely thrilled to have you here today.

    Thank you for having me. I'm honored to be a guest on your podcast. Thank you.

    Yeah, you're welcome. So I love your podcast and I know we have a mutual friend in common with Kendra Hennessy of mother, like a boss.

    And I had been following you. And somehow I hadn't noticed yet that the best today guide was coming out and she Vox heard me one day and she was saying, Oh, I was just DM-ing Shantay. And I'm getting this guide. And I'm so excited. And I was like, what? Tell me more. And so I remember I was like listening in my car as I was driving.

    And I got home. I was like, I don't remember seeing her post about it. And then I looked and I was like, I'm ordering it. I think I like ordered it right then. And I was so, so excited, but I, yeah, I am. I've been using it for a bit. We'll get to that in a minute. Uh, cause I want to like allow you the chance to talk a bit about how you got here, but I feel like why I so badly wanted you on my podcast is I talk a lot about how.

    You know, you have to structure your business so that you don't burn out. I talk a lot about sustainable success and I feel like that is your zone of genius because you do a lot and I'm sure people ask you all the time. Like, how do you Shantay, how do you do it all? And so I would just, I would love to hear from you, like, you know, you have multiple businesses, you have kids at home.

    You do juggle a lot of different moving parts and pieces, but you found a way to make it work. So I would love for you to talk about that.

    Sure. Um, you just stop me when you want me to, because I'm in that's I can say a little or a lot. Um, so let's just start from beginning. So I came from. You know, I was a private practice attorney is what, six years ago, this time, six years ago.

    So I came from a place where, um, you worked on the day, you went home, you spend a little time with your family, you work some more and then you work some more and then maybe take a nap and you go to sleep. And, um, I didn't love that. So I didn't bring, I didn't want to bring, um, that. That, which I did not love into entrepreneurship when I decided to, um, start my own company and grow my own businesses.

    But I didn't get it right at first when I started, um, when I left the practice of law, I was so excited to be doing work that I really, really loved that I thought it was okay to go all in, in this matter of not having boundaries. Just if an idea came to me, run into the office, um, working in the car, trying to check this, you know, it was just, you get to do what you love.

    That's the dream. Right. And I, it took, um, Some time for me to realize that that actually isn't the dream and it actually wasn't working well. And when I realized that I had to figure out how do I make this work, where I've put these boundaries in place with my time, with what I'm doing, because also I was doing all the things.

    Um, and I started to realize that I wasn't focused. I was doing a little bit of everything. So I just want to put that out there that I didn't wake up one day and just had this all figured out. I did the opposite of what I teach now, and that's what got me here, but it's also how I'm able to identify that so many other women and help them.

    Um, so right now, um, I guess it starts for me with being really clear on what you want and being really clear on what matters to you.

    I have this training that I do with business owners and non-business owners. I do it for different groups. It's one of my signature keynote talks. And I talk about this triangle and I have people go through the triangle and we put different things in there.

    We talk about how to do that. And at the end, I tell everyone like the key to focus and the key to not getting to the. You know, living in busy is to stay in the triangle. And so for me, the way that I am able to do what I do in the way in which I do it is I am very clear on what matters and everything.

    That's not that doesn't get it. It could matter to someone else. It just doesn't to me. And you have to be okay with that because I don't need anyone to care about the things that I care about. There are things I care about. There are things that important to me. Um, And that looks like being willing to say no, being very clear on what's in your triangle and keeping if it's not your triangle it's noise and a distraction.

    Um, so for me, it's just getting really clear on what it is I'm trying to do in this moment and only working on that. And a lot of times it looks. Like I'm doing more than I am because I've already focused on this other thing over here and got it to a place where it is running on its own. I can remove myself and go to another thing.

    So you see that thing existing and thriving and looking fantastic. And you think I'm actively doing something, but I'm not. And that's the beauty of focusing. If you can focus on something and get it to that place, then it opens up space for you to do what may be the next thing. And, um, so those are just a few things that come to mind if we're talking just globally.

    Yeah, I really love that. And I love that. You mentioned, it looks like you are being super busy in the moment, but really it's a lot of like planning and scheduling and relying on the help of other people. Like not having to be the person who says no, I'll just do it all on my own so that it looks like, Oh, she's having this whole launch, but really.

    You're you know, having lunch with your kids and you know, doing other things. You're not, you're not juggling. You're not actually literally juggling it all, even if it seems like that.

    Yeah. And I am, I am never busy. There is not a day in my entire life that I am busy. I can promise you that there may be times when we are very full and my calendar looks.

    Heftier than usual. But even with that, we have boundaries around that. Like I only take calls on one day of the week, if that, and there are some days where I'm like, there's going to be no calls of any nature of this week, this month. Um, we have boundaries, we say no 95% of the time to the things that come in our inbox.

    Um, especially if it doesn't fall within the triangle. Um, so, you know, it's really. I think setting those boundaries and being clear that being busy is not something I am interested in and something that I will not take part in and making this a non-negotiable for my life. Like I will not be busy ever again because I've been there.

    I live that life. I make more money on the other side of busy. I have more peace. I get more sleep. I work out more. I read books, I eat long meals. I do whatever I want. And that's the beauty. And that's why I create tools and resources in the company to help women get on the other side of busy, because I think people think their answers that they're looking for.

    Are over in busy and it's actually not, that is doing all the things that will keep you from what you really actually want. And you just have to be willing to say no, and to be able to get clear and define what you want and be okay with saying that means I don't want the rest of the stuff right now.


    I'm with you on the fact of like learning all of this the hard way, because at the end of 2016, I was super burnt out and I feel like part of why I'm passionate about. Making your business sustainable from a capacity standpoint is because the previous business I had, then it was just, it was like grinding me into the ground and I was successful and I'm on the outside.

    I looked happy and I was checking all the boxes and I was, you know, Like having these very public accomplishments, but on the inside, I was like, it just, it hit, what had ended up happening was it just robbed me of my joy. And I know joy is very important for you. And I was just, I can still vividly remember December of 2016 being like, I am, I just have no joy.

    I'm just going through the motions. And so now I'm like you, and I've had to, I had to go through that like dark Valley to come out and be like, well, If I want success, then I have to figure out a different way to do it. And I feel like these last four years have just been this experiment of how do I get closer and closer to that?

    And now I'm like you too. Like my it's funny because when we, before we hopped on, I was like, Oh, well, you know, we're both having like busy days. And, and I, I actually don't love the word busy, but it's funny how ingrained we are to say it, but I love you caught it. You're like it's no, it's a full day. I'm like, yes, it's a full day.

    But it's funny because I even look at, because it's just all calls today, you know, and like outward facing things, but like that's, I mean, that's, it, it still was, it's only going to be from 10 until it's three and I have to laugh because I go, Oh, wow. That's what feels full to me now, when I used to be like you working in every nook and cranny available.

    Absolutely. Yeah.

    So, do you mind sharing them for, just to give people some idea of like the non-negotiables in your triangle, like your values, what are some of those things that you're like, Nope, this is a priority to Shantay and to my family.

    Sure. I was actually turning around trying to find it. I keep it on my desk, but my children also here, so there's a pile of papers under my desk.

    It's probably in there, but yeah. So inside of my triangle, I think, well, what I, what I do is I write like who I am, like, who are you? Um, So if something comes my way and it doesn't align with who I am, what my core values are, it's a no, you know, so for me, that looks like my health is a core value and that's all different types of health, my physical health, emotional health, spiritual health, financial health, you know, emotional, mental, all the helps.

    Right? So if that, if I start getting anything that makes me feel that it's going to rub against that, that's the automatic no, um, things that make me feel, or I really want even say, make me feel, um, The, I just have a response to that. I think, um, don't work well with it for my health. It's a no, and it makes it really, really easy.

    It makes it easy deciding who I want to, what, whose information I want to consume people. I want to be around online in the online space in real life. Um, some of my non-negotiables are my morning routine, my morning routine. Um, I'm every morning gonna do something for my mental health, my emotional health, my physical health and me, me working out and actually just increased it.

    I was doing 30 minutes a day. Um, Minimum, but I'm now have raised that minimum to 60 minutes in the morning, just because that could feel I need it more than that. So I need that time to move my body, to, to challenge myself physically, to run. Um, I need the time to be in the quiet, so I get up early in the morning before anyone else.

    Um, so I can have quiet time to read, to pray, to just sit in the quiet to stretch, but whatever it is I need, that is a non-negotiable for me. Um, And so that's like how I start my day there. And that way by IOC, I have like a whole day before most people brush their teeth because, you know, I start at four and if I get, you know, all those things done, I've pretty much had a day.

    And now I'm ready to take on my audience, my clients, my customers, my family, my friends, whatever comes in the day because I've taken care of myself. So taking care of me as a non-negotiable because I am my priority. And I recommend that you become your own priority every day. The person who's listening.

    Um, because oftentimes you're not, you're willing to lie to you. You're willing to tell the truth to everybody, but yourself, right? You say, Oh, I'm going to do that thing. But then you don't because it's easy just to put you to the back burner, I offer you that that's not helping you at all, or the people you love.

    Um, so my health non-negotiable, um, Working with people who value me, who value my life, um, who valued people who look like me, that's a non-negotiable. Um, and I've had to raise that bar even more in this year. Um, so we do work and do diligence on people who ask us to do things with them. We are looking at their platforms, we're asking them questions about the people that they're working with.

    Um, that's really important. And I, and I think this year just kind of heightened that for us to meet, to meet for me to make that a priority. Um, And then my company values like joy integrity or where we're trying to go, you know, does working, doing this work, fulfill our mission of equipping women with resources to show up as their best one today at a time, if it's not.

    So if it's like, can you come speak to this men's group? Probably we're going to say no. Um, because it doesn't further our mission. It might be nice and it could definitely help them, but it doesn't further our mission. And we have a narrow scope of only doing that, which is going to further. Our mission, because if everyone did that, then so many different people will be taken care of because our mission is for this particular type of woman.

    Um, and that's who we're called to serve. And if we focus on her, we will reach her much better than if we just put out, you know, APB out for all humans. Um, So just knowing what our core values are and what our mission is and how we want to serve and fulfill that mission. You know, we don't have a lot of products.

    We don't have a lot of services. We don't have, you know, 15,000 things that we offer in everything that we do points back to the best today guide. So it's like, will this help us point back to the best today guide? So I think just being really streamlined, um, makes our. Creates a non-negotiables. Cause if it's not pointing back to this thing that we believe is the one way we can help the most people, then it's typically a no.

    So just being really clear on where we're trying to go, how we want to get there and who we want to get there with creates those non-negotiable.

    Yeah. Oh my gosh. I love that. That, that is so good. And I love how you, um, very clearly said that your best today guide is only for a certain type of woman. And you're only going to focus on her.

    And I think that, um, uh, you know, and correct me if I'm wrong, but probably like you said, you are, you're not busy now. You never have a busy day and you're making more money, you're having a greater impact and all of that. And then I'm sure that there are people who are like, But, you know, Shantay, like you could, you could sell more of these if you did X, Y, Z.

    And you're like, yeah, but that falls outside of the mission. And I think that it's like when, when we hear as entrepreneurs, like, well, if I do less, we automatically equate it to, if I'm doing less, I'll be making less. And if I'm holding back my thing from people, fewer people can buy it, but it's like, everything you're saying has just proven when you do those two things and you fuse them together.

    It's like that, that laser focus that just it's like you get that traction and you just take off.

    Absolutely. I, so the other, the last two years, I have gone from a zero workweek, zero days a week to now three, and the three is just new over the last, I think two months it started in, um, the end of August.

    Um, when school started back, um, before then I was working two days a week and before, and then that was just one year before my son turned one. I was on maternity leave and I had no help. Um, but at the same time I had, because of Zoe, my first company, um, I was coaching. I was traveling, speaking. I had a podcast.

    Our podcast is now one day in over almost as, at four years coming up. Um, mr. Monday episode, like. These things were all going on. And I was working very little and my team at that time was not huge. And to this day is still not huge. Um, but again, it was putting system in place and knowing where I need to turn the volume down and because we're going to be turning the volume up and we never have the volume up in more than one place.

    And typically the latter, the volume goes up in one place, the lower it's going to go in other places. And so I've been willing to quote unquote miss opportunities, which I don't believe that that's the case. Um, In order to focus on where we're trying to create bigger opportunities. And one of our core values in our company is big picture, long game.

    We play for the long lane. We're not trying to look like we're winning, but not be winning because there are a lot of people who look like they're winning, but they're not. I would rather, you think I'm not winning, but I actually am. And you just don't know it because guess what winning is the goal, not looking like I'm winning.

    And so we make decisions based on what actually is going to get us where we're trying to go in the long-term that might mean saying no to some. Nice opportunities in the present, but if it, if it comes at the expense of the long-term game, it's an easy, no, and again, that again, forms another, um, non-negotiable co um, forms that boundary that we know not to cross.

    So I don't even know what question I was answering

    well, but I mean, I like, yeah, I, I won't get us off track, but like, About being in the long game, which I actually asked him my stories last week. And I was happy to see that, like, at least everyone who voted on my poll, so they were in it for the long game.

    Cause I'm the same way. Like I'm very focused. I'm like, I don't care if I worked my tail off and made half a million dollars in one year and had no joy or if I, because again, like it needs to be sustainable, I'm in it for the long game. And what you said about. It doesn't matter if you look like you're winning, like winning itself is the goal.

    I won't take us down that, that whole other thing, but that's a whole other episode. It's a whole other episode. I really, I have such a, um, I guess I have such a, a gripe with that mentality in the online business space, because I feel like I just want to take discourage entrepreneurs and say for every.

    Person that is like internet famous or whatever that is like living this flashy life. There are like thousands of other low key people who are killing it five times more that you might not have even heard of.

    It may have 2000 followers. If that, cause I have, I'm just thinking of three of my friends right now who have multimillion like seven figure businesses in profit, not just like over 17 years, over three years, like per year.

    And I think one of them has like maybe 2,516 followers. Again, it doesn't matter because what the people are looking at it's looks like winning is different from what like. Actually winning games. And again, everyone's winning is defined differently too completely. Yeah. Completely. Yeah. Such a good distinction.

    I'm glad. I'm really glad that you brought that up because it's, it's true. Like we, we all have different versions of, of what, you know, success access to look like. And for some people that could literally be. Making 50 grand a year to replace a soul sucking job so they can

    absolutely. And I would, I would do that.

    It's easy, easy decision. Absolutely.

    So I have, as I already showed you, I have my best today guide right here. I love it. And I will just say, and like, when this comes out, I'm going to post a bunch of, um, you know, in my stories and stuff, I will actually like walk people through and show people how I use it, but.

    My word for the year, it was intention. So for 2020 was intention. And I feel like, and, and I kind of strayed from paper planners for awhile. Cause I realized they were actually making me busier.


    then I felt like, Oh, I'm not. Do you know, like I'm not checking off all the boxes and I'm not doing all the things.

    And I was, and so I finally was like, you know what, I'm just going to use school calendar and like maybe like a Trello board or whatever. And, um, and that was working fine. And then I got this and I feel like I, like, I love it so much. Within the first two weeks I sent in, I was like, to your team, I was like, give this testimonial to Shantay.

    Like, I am loving this thing. People need to know about it, but really what it has done for me, it has made me be intentional because I just love the way it's structured. And when I got it, some people were like, is it a planner? And I'm like, yeah, Well, yes and no, like it's, it is, but it also isn't. And, um, it's not a thing just for you to like, dump your crap in and then try to check off 12 million things.

    Like I, now, every day I have, like, I love that you have the morning routine because I I've always been somebody who's like, I want a morning routine and I, you know, and I would do it for a few days and then I'd fall off the wagon and then. You know, be off the wagon for a bit and then I'd be back on it.

    But like, literally I've, it's just like this, this thing, this intentionality. And I actually had, um, even for like how you have physical health, I've been listing, you know, what I, what exercise I'm going to do that day. And the other day I had yoga on there, but it was a beautiful day. It had been raining for a few days and then suddenly made a sunny day.

    And I was like, you know what? I'm not going to do yoga. I'm going to go for an afternoon walk instead. And so even though I like, you know, I didn't follow it. It's not like you're over my shoulder being like, but you said you did yoga. It was the intent. I put the intention that I was going to move my body for 30 minutes.

    And then the thing that brought me joy that day was getting out in sunshine because pretty soon I won't be able to hardly go outside at all. It'll be freezing where I live and like, It was just like, uh, it was a beautiful moment that made me get up out of my house and move my body. And it felt really good at even still, like, I have breakfast, like for physical health breakfast smoothie, I put it on there.

    I had a smoothie, lunch salad, I put it on there. I had a salad, like it's huge. And I found that by like, actually. Using it in your way, which I definitely want you to explain. And I want you to explain it like right now, routine as well and how they go together. But like, I just, I like have focused for the day and I'm not actually packing more in, I don't feel more busy.

    I don't feel any of that. It's just like, this is what I need to do. This is why I need to do it. This is where it's going to take me if I do. And when it's done, I jot down what am I going to do for the next day? Leave it on my desk. And I walk away and I can just enjoy my evenings. Totally like stress. And guilt-free.

    Yep. And you did all that before the day even happened. So it was like, you didn't even, you didn't wake up and think about, okay, what am I going to do? That you already had that intention before you put your head down at the end of the day, that makes such a huge difference. I actually had to also scribble what you said.

    Cause I was like, Oh, this is a testimonial. And it's telling me, he said, I strayed away from paper planets because they made me busier. And that is what so many people were doing because they just like, if you get a planner that has like all these times ticks, you're like, Oh, I got it. I have to fill it up.

    I'm here. I'm going to do this. Then I'm gonna do this. I probably need to fit in this or this or that. Something to give to all the space and just say, just write your to do's, which is like this wishlist of stuff that maybe you'll do. Maybe you don't, but it's okay. Just put it down. I wanted to speak to a different woman who needed something differently because that was not working for her.

    So I'm so grateful for you saying that. Cause I think that it really is true.

    Yeah. And I think so what's interesting. Like if you were to flip through mine for the last few days, because I have such a. A full day today of, of like being on like, I call it like being on, right? Like, so of being on I in all the other, um, like the results and outcome spot and all of that, like where I would list my to-dos and everything that is actually shorter.

    Like it, it forces me to look and go, does this make sense for you to have this massive list of things to do on a day when you were going to be. On all day. No. So you have to reprioritize those tasks. And I feel like the standard way that we're taught is just, like you said, write your to-do list and then just start checking things off.

    But this is like, like already there's stuff. If I know, if I'm getting to the time that like, I kind of want to be done working and something is on that list, that's not checked off. I go. Cool. Well, when I'm filling out my next sheets for the next day, I just move it on to over to the next day. Cause then I know like it has a place it's going to live there and you can really see I've had something that I've been kicking down all week.

    Cause I realized I'm like, it's not a priority, but I don't, I don't feel like that guilt associated with it. Like it doesn't because it's not, it's not in my triangle. It's a nice to do. It's not a need to do. Yeah. So I love that. I'm just, I'm so appreciative. So yeah, I would love for you to talk a little bit about like.

    I mean, you watch this during Corona, so wild. It was a super inspired idea. And you have your right now routine program that assists people overall. So I definitely want to give you a chance to talk about both of those.

    Yeah. So the best today guide is a physical paper product that does two things. First.

    It helps women get really clear on what they want. Um, which I think is if you can't answer that, you're, you're going to always be busy. You're going to always be doing things and feel unfulfilled at the end of the day, because you're not. Going to one intentional place, right? You have to get really clear on what you want.

    And so that looks like getting clear on your vision. We walk you through how to do that. We also talk about what gets in your way, what needs to be pruned your self destructive habits. Because if you don't take the time to look at that, you also are going to hinder your progress. Because if you don't deal with the stuff that keeps tripping you up, you're gonna keep tripping.

    Right? So we deal with that. And then we teach you the three-step process, which you've kind of alluded to previewing your week. Every week. We show exactly how give you the space to clear your mind, um, plan every day, the night before we show you exactly how to do that. Again, it's a guide. It's not just some paper that teaches you.

    It also comes with a video sequence when you purchase it. There's a Lincoln side to take you to a video sequence, how to use this. Um, we also have the community that helps you. Um, so. That's step two is step three is to start every day with the best today morning process and going backwards. Step three, that's asking yourself, what does my best look like today?

    What are the self destructive things that I need to avoid today? You're going to write out your vision for your future. And one thing today, you're going to do, that's going to progress you towards that vision. There's nothing on the marketplace is actually telling you, you got to call yourself out girl on the self-destructive stuff that you're doing, because we need to call it out at the start of your day so that when you go to do that thing, or you go to think that way you've already told yourself this is self-destructive, which means I'm the one doing it to myself.

    There is no other human to blame, which is both the good and the bad news, right? It's the bad news because you're the one who, who were doing this to yourself, but it's the good news because you're the one who can stop it. Um, so we acknowledge that and it's really important to do that. And we rubbed that against.

    Um, your best, what does your best look like today? You set the standard for how you want to show up today and you get to decide, because we all know that our best looks differently on different days. My D my best, if I'm, you know, under the weather is going to look different than the, my best, the day I'm ready to go and do, you know, a five mile run.

    So we defined that every day. And then going back to step two every night, you're asking yourself, what time am I going to get up in the morning? We're not going to play this news game. Um, being very intentional about that. You got to define your morning routine, what you're going to do for your physical, your mental and your emotional health.

    And then you define it by the end of the day, I will have, and you have to choose one thing. What is the most important thing that really is to start training people and teaching people and guiding people on how to actually say this is the most important, right? People have a hard time saying this is the most important.

    This is the first thing, because they feel bad about all the things that didn't get picked. Guess what you got to do, that that's life. You got to figure it out, how to do that. I'm going to teach you how, because then you'll find yourself being able to one stop having decision fatigue. You'll find yourself being more assertive, more definitive in what you do and more confident in your choices.

    And so I'm teaching you how to do that with these little small things. Um, and then we have our results and outcomes, which we purposely do not call a, to do list. Um, And I used results and outcomes because I want you to always think about what do you actually need to get done? What does the end need to look like?

    Not the thing you need to do, but what is the end of that need to look like? Because I want to remind you only to do the actions that get you to the end. You know, a lot of people wasted. Time. They waste time every single day, doing the doings and not thinking about, Oh, this is the thing I needed to have done by the end of the day, I need to have this completed.

    You know, the example I use in the best day guide is you're not going to put called the plumber because calling the plumber, isn't the outcome. If you pick up the phone and let it ring and you hang up, you can scratch that off. You call the plumber, but what you needed to confirm the is going to come Thursday at five o'clock.

    That also needs to go in there, you know, confirm that because then that gets you, the result you need, which is that he's, or she's coming to your house at five o'clock on Thursday. And just that one way of thinking differently will start to ripple effect in other areas in your life. Um, so that's step two and then that one, we walk you through how to preview your week, um, again, causing you to define what's the focus for the week.

    Um, And what you're going to have done. What's the most important thing for you to have done by the end of the week and giving you a place to have an overview of your week before you start it. So, you know, Oh, wow. Thursday is really full. Let me make sure I give myself extended, like workout time or extended space.

    Um, So you can see what the week looks like, and you can add in what you need before. It begins really being proactive and intentional with your time. That's what our tool to do. And it's simple. It's just what you need. It has zero razzle-dazzle. We're not trying to make you be able to put this on the gram as artwork because there's enough stuff out there.

    That's pretty on the outside and empty on the inside. There are enough products and people like that. We want something that the inside is going to actually change your inside. And so that's what this. The product was created to do. And that's what it's doing since it's been out there. And we launched it on March 16th, which was the very first day of a massive school closings, massive job loss and coronavirus really affecting the United States like literal first day was the day we were like, Hi, it's here.

    Come buy it. Thanks. So that was interesting. Um, um, I was excited, like lunch day went great, but then it was like time went on in April and like Salesforce trickling in a little bit, but people were writing that, Oh, I, you know, lost my job or my spouse, like their job. We were afraid we're gonna lose our job and we don't know, blah, blah, blah.

    And then summertime came and. I think people started to realize this isn't going to just get better tomorrow. I should be getting my life right now. And that's what we help you do. And so then everything spiked the other way and we are almost sold out of our first shipment. Our second shipment will be here in December and we're already planning the third shipment because if our numbers keep going the way in which they are, that second shipment is going to sell out so fast that we need to.

    We're in the process of a third shipment before the second one even gets here. So, um, it's going fantastically well, and right now routine came from a place of, um, COVID effected our ship time. And so we thought we were going to have these out to people in June, we saw best not happening. How can we help people right.

    Where they are right now. And that's where right now routine came in, literally the name, um, because it can help people right where they are right now. It's 40 minutes video, a workbook. And with over a thousand women in it, um, So many testimonials more than we can. I mean, we, we have to hire someone just to come in to help with that part of it, because we're getting so much, so many testimonials with an excellent pro form to have.

    Um, it has just helped women so much. It teaches you how to create a routine that works for your life is realistic. Um, and if you do it, it works. And I mean, I stand on that.

    Yeah. And I love how you said it's, you know, you are for people who. Don't just want the glossy on the outside, but empty on the inside.

    You want the people who are like, not just going to look around and go throw up their hands and go, well, there's nothing I can do. Like you are here for the woman. Who's like, okay, there's a lot of things I can't control, but there are things I can, and I want to, and I'm going to take action and I'm going to.

    You know, face those, those things that I do that like get in my way and I'm going to put them on paper and get real honest with myself. And, and I just, I flipped mine over so I could see, I was like, what

    did I read today?

    Um, so, and I'm in the middle of a launch right now. Self-destructing things I've put going down, mental rabbit holes, you know, getting distracted by what other people are doing.

    And not re um, as the time of recording of this, my early bird bonus goes away in 24 hours. So I wrote not reaching back out to people for fear of judgment, like that is real life like yeah. That is real behind the scenes. And then the one thing I'm doing today is showing up as myself and giving value, but like, it made me have to be like, You know, it's a little bit, it's like you have to have a come to Jesus with yourself every day you

    do, but even it works, it really does work.

    And you said about the woman we're speaking to. I actually keep in front of me, these four words I had to get, because one of the things that I have found that comes with success, um, that I'm experiencing unlike ever before, really this year, The exposure widens, and that opens yourself up to more opinions and thoughts.

    And so I had to really found a form of boundary about who am I really talking to? Because if you're not one of these four words or all four of these words, actually your opinion doesn't matter. And I mean that in the nicest way possible, but it doesn't your noise and distraction. So yeah. The best today woman is trusting.

    She has to be trusting cause she has to trust the process I'm putting before you. We have people who come in in our ads who are ready to pick apart a program. They haven't even started based on an ad, which the ad is just testimonials. These are other women, or the women are saying how they are want, they want.

    And they're like, but I have this and I have this and I have that, you know what. Please don't buy my program because you're going to be a pain and you're not going to get the result. And I'm in the business of getting people results, not in selling people, stuff in exchange for dollars. The payment for me is when you get the result in your life, right.

    Because that's priceless. Um, so you have to be trusting. Um, you have to be introspective if you're not willing to look in and call yourself out of your stuff. And really just be honest with you about you. I can't help you. I actually don't want to, you got to get to that place or you got to be willing to say, I want to be to that place.

    Right. Have a lot of people who, um, they hear something and they're just ready to, you know, again, point those fingers about why it's about someone else. And not you we're talking about you because you are the one who can do something about you. The world's going to do all the things it's going to do. I understand that.

    But if you can't be introspective, I just can't so relational. Uh, the women who come in and who are just my favorite people to work with, they care about other women. They don't have to be, you know, I'm not saying they have to be extroverts in everybody's space. I'm not extrovert actually. Um, But you care about other people, you have this sense of the importance of relationships, whether it's in your real life and or with other like-minded women.

    And they're generous. I can't tell you how many women have reached out and said, I'd like to buy right now, a routine for someone in your audience. I'd like to send someone a best today. Guide, um, there in our community sharing tips on this, worked for me. Can someone help me? Hey, can someone hold me accountable?

    And everyday someone comes in and checks on her posts and says, Hey, did you do it today? Like generosity in that respect in spirit. Um, and by defining that, that has created a boundary and again, another non-negotiable that I am not going to respond to you if you are not one of these four things, because I'm not talking to you and that's, that might sound harsh, but it's again saying I'd rather hone in on this little thing and say, everyone, who's not that you can come and get my stuff and get re and get the results.

    Yes. But I'm talking to the woman who is trusting introspective, relational, and generous. And that has been, that has free to me. Um, Um, a lot this year is really getting clear on who the woman I'm trying to help because it's the woman who I know can come in and actually receive the help know I want to help the person who's not trusting and not introspective, but you're not ready to receive.


    Yeah. I think that that is, is such a common, um, it's such a common struggle with entrepreneurs because I know it's, you know, with myself and friends of mine. Cause usually I feel like we start businesses because we want to help people. And we want to give value and it feels hard to narrow that focus because you feel like, well, I'm being a mean girl, I'm being exclusive.

    And it's like, no, no, no. Like, but you, you get to a point in that same thing. Like the longer that I do that I have this business, the more and more clear that person is in front of me, because I start to realize like, okay, Oh, yeah, I actually don't, I don't want to work with people like this or people like this.

    Don't um, they're not gonna get as much value out of it or whatever. And every time I get more and more clarity around that and put my energy there, it, it always is good. And it doesn't mean like, and maybe you're like, you feel the same as like, when you're talking to your perfect person. It's like, you know that, okay.

    When I'm putting myself out there, there are going to be these other people who are going to be haters like on the gram or on ads or whatever, but it's like, well, that is, you know, the non-negotiable to reach the woman that I want to, it comes with this. And I'm okay with that because my focus. Of serving her is the non-negotiable.

    And I feel like it takes the sting out of, you know, worrying about the judgment of the people who aren't a right fit.

    Not only that, but I created a company to have joy and it's or I get to have joy in the work that I do. Um, I'm no longer at a place where someone says, here are your customers. Here are your clients.

    We will decline your money. We will refund your money if you evaluate certain things, you know? So it's like, I just want to be very clear that I am creating something where I get to choose and we all do business owners. Um, and I choose, um, not to put myself in a situation where I am lack or I am being, you know, essentially just not.

    Thrilled about it. I, I have the right to be thrilled about everything that I get to do, and that includes the people I get to be around and I have a physical product, so I'm not necessarily physically around these people, but, um, I get, I have the privilege actually of getting to know a lot of my customers through the community or through workshops that we do or through social media.

    And there's just a difference in the interactions and the energy between the people who are these four things and the people who are not. And I had to learn that this year, because this is the year where I had, I've never had so many unpleasant interactions. We had one woman who, E who mailed her best today, got back to me and said, I no longer want to support your company again, because the pre-orders happen.

    And then all of the stuff in the world happened and I spoke. Honestly about my experience in this country and she didn't like it. So she mailed it back and sent me a long letter about why she was not supporting my company. And I'm great. Thank you. Um, that was an opportunity for us to give that away to someone cause it already been paid for.

    Um, but it was just like things like that. I've never experienced before and. Before setting this boundary that might have concerned me, but now I don't, because she's not those four things. She's definitely not introspective. So, um, so yeah, it makes it very easy to let things run off your back. Um, and you really, I feel like you have to do that in order to thrive because there's always going to be someone who's trying to pull you back.

    Yeah. And I liked that you said in order to thrive, because that's one of, one of my big pillars is like not just, you know, success on paper, but having a thriving business. And one of my components of that is, uh, exactly what you said, being delighted with the people that you get to work with. I think that that's really crucial.

    It's like, cause we could technically, you know, you could take money from anyone and. You know, that's like, everyone's allowed to do that. Like you could serve whoever, but at the end of the day, it's, you're going to have the most joy and you're going to be thriving when you get to serve people who, who fill you up, who you get excited to hop on calls with, or do work with them and all of that.

    So I'm definitely glad that you brought that up because I think it's, it's just such a fear for a lot of entrepreneurs of like, Well, if I'm not making enough money and I start to get more, I don't know, polarizing or clear or definitive, then it's gonna. It's going to push the, the money opportunities away even more.

    And it's like, yeah, no, that's not really. It's not really what happened.

    Actually. The more you hone in, you know, down on who that per, who your person is, the more you're going to make, because you're only going to be talking to them. You're going to actually reach them when you're taught. Like when you try and talk to everybody, you're not talking to anybody.

    You know, how many times did you pass something? You're like, Oh, I don't know what that person does. Or I don't know what this is. But if someone says, Hey, this is for girls who like headbands with big fat, curly hair who live in Nevada, the zip code, right? Who loves the color purple like, Oh, that's me. Yeah.

    You know, like the more specific you can get, the more you're going to do, because you're actually like, you understand who you're talking to and you're not just trying to like also, it makes everything easier. It makes writing copy, easier, marketing easier. It just makes everything easier. And. I, I mean, I have found that to be true.

    And I've seen that in other people's businesses of all different types. Um, so don't be afraid to limit focus. Like those are actually things that are necessary. I've been on the side with my first company where we made so many products with people like, you should do this. Oh, you should do that. Oh, I'd love to have one of these.

    And we just did all the things. And then I was like, why am I doing all this? We cut all of our inventory out. And we went back just to hear about what we wanted to do and our income just. Skyrocket it, cause we went back down to the one simple thing that mattered. Um, you know, and I just, I could talk about that forever, but yeah, please, don't be afraid to get very specific and clear.

    I promise you just like when you cut down on your time, I do the less, the less I worked, the more I made. And so I kept saying, well, let's keep seeing how much more, less I can do that. I work on three-day work week now. Even my children are gone and grown. I won't, I probably will never work out. Over three days because why I can do so many great things.

    And I love having Monday to come in and slowly into my week and Friday as a way to kind of, kind of see what, what needs to be done or do I just need to rest, you know, it kind of, I love having those two days, those buffers, you know, before my work week begins,

    I'm, I'm absolutely with you on that completely.

    So yeah, I love it. Like we are both proof that you can have, you can have great, great success and work three days a week. Uh, So before we go, cause I know we just have a few more minutes and you have, you said you've it calendar coming out. You told me before we started recording. So what are some of the other things that people can look forward to from, from you this fall and even into next year?

    Yeah, well, the best today guide is going nowhere. It is just, this is where I always tell people to begin. And if they want something, they can start literally this second there's right now, routine on which you can get it right now, routine.com. But yes, we are at the, um, just for the end of the year, we will have our best day monthly calendar.

    We created that because the best today, guy. You have your weeks and your days. And we know people want it a tool for their months. Um, so it's a monthly calendar, which is very much so built in line with, um, the best day guide. After each month, there is a space for what are you going to focus on this week?

    We do a monthly focus call and the best day community. So all of our products work well together. They add to each other, um, And so there's a space for it to teach you how to focus on what you're going to do for this month. There, um, is beginning at the beginning of the year work to kind of really get clear on again, the vision for the year, what are you going to get done?

    Um, and so that just companies really well with the best today guide, um, and really that's it. We just want to point people to the product that we think will really help them to be proactive and intentional. And it starts with that best today guide. Um, And we're really just excited about it. Um, 20, 21, we have some exciting things coming, um, net physical products in a sense, because, because again, our focus is the best day guide, but we have something else in the works that we'll be announcing early in next year that we can't wait to share with our audience as well.

    That's so exciting. Well, I will, I will definitely share it out on Instagram as well. Whenever you launch it, I'm more than happy to because yeah, I'm just. I'm so glad that, I mean, I feel like eventually I would have noticed that, you know, since I follow your accounts, like I would have noticed that this was out, but I'm glad that Kendra tipped me off.

    And, um, because I just I'm, I'm a total convert. Like I've been loving it. I still have my Google calendar, which is great. You know, it syncs with my calls and everything, but like, I feel like I can't even, I can't even imagine going back and not having my best today guide now because I ate really, it's just so different.

    And, and as somebody who like, literally, I swear, I've tried every, every paper planner and, um, Yeah. I mean, every year I'll get a different one and I just couldn't stick with it. And this one, like literally every evening, I just, it's quick. It takes me like five minutes. I just set it up and then there's no question about what's going to happen the next day.

    And it's, it's been so awesome and it's helped me, like in a really wild year, live into my. Goal of being more intentional. So thank you. I super appreciate you launching it and creating it in the midst of chaos. And I know,

    thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Yeah, we, I just, I didn't know what was going to happen, but it it's been really exciting to see, um, just.

    I think it has helped so many people in a year. I think there's a reason why this came out this year. There's a reason why I came out in the middle of a pandemic and they actually started shipping in September around when school went back in and people were like, this is, I needed it more than when I thought it was going to come into summer.

    So I really do believe that the things will fall into place to work for the people. Um, and so I was just grateful that it's, it's, it's crazy. I can't wait for five years from now three years from now, when we're looking at where the company is and say, we started in the middle of a pandemic, um, Yeah. What better way to really bring in some intention until the lives of women?

    Absolutely. Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate your time. And I, you know, I just cannot say enough good things about you. Everyone needs to be following you. And thank you so much for being on the podcast.

    Thank you so much for having me.


Ep. 084: A Framework to T.H.R.I.V.E.


Ep. 082: The Difference between Ambition & Productivity