Ep. 059: 11 Podcasts by Black Women You Should Listen To
Today we're doing something different.
I want to use my platform to amplify the voices of other podcasters. I'm specifically sharing 11 podcasts that are produced by Black women.
As I say in the episode:
"We have the privilege of people paying attention to us." -Trudi Lebron
Because I have the privilege of a platform I want to use it with intention.
Also, the episode begins with where I stand in my business in regard to racial justice. I wanted to share in audio form what I sent out in an email to my list in case people missed it.
I hope you enjoy these podcasts as much as I do.
-Social Savvy Podcast with social media strategist Andrea Jones
-The Business, Life, and Joy Podcast with Shunta Grant
-How She Did That with Tasha Booth of The Launch Guild
-Hello Seven with Rachel Rodgers
-Myleik Teele's podcast
-The Nicole Walters podcast
-Rants and Randomness with Luvvie Ajayi
-Black Woman CEO with Quanisha Green
-That's Not How That Works with Louisa "Weeze" Doran & Trudi Lebron
-2 Dope Queens with Phoebe Robinson & Jessica Williams
-Therapy for Black Girls with Joy Harden Bradford, Ph.D.
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Erika Tebbens: Because this week's episode is a little bit different, I'm not including the usual little snippet here where I mentioned my sales guide or any other offer I have going on. Instead, I just want to specifically say that because I know I have a lot of white entrepreneurs that listen to this, a lot of what I am saying in this episode, I'm speaking directly to you.
Now, I am, there, there are parts in the episode where I specifically do speak to, uh, black women and women of color, but I just wanted to make it very clear that my main intention for this is just being mindful of the fact that so many white women entrepreneurs, uh, and you know, white gender expansive entrepreneurs listen.
So I really wanted to, uh, call some stuff out directly to them. And I just wanted to make that abundantly clear at the top. So it doesn't sound like I'm telling people of color, how to do anti-racism worker or anything like that. Uh, I would hope that if you are white, that you are open to what I have to say.
Um, I would hope that you understand, uh, my, my, that I want to use this platform, to speak out about something that I feel is important, that I feel is in line with my values and the values of my business. And I would hope that in listening to this, that you feel empowered to use the privilege of your own platform to be a voice against injustice as well, because this work should not all be on the shoulders of black folks of people of color, right? The work is ours to do. I also just want to really make it abundantly clear where I stand on a few things, because some of this one out in an email, and if he didn't get that email, maybe wouldn't have seen it. So, uh, with all that being said, I hope you enjoy this episode.
I hope you check out the podcast I mentioned. I hope that you enjoy them as much as I do. And thank you as always for, for listening. Okay, onto the episode.
This week's episode of the Sell It, Sister Podcast is going to be a little bit different. And I'm really excited and honored that I have a platform and I get to use it.
So I'm going to. A few days ago, I was able to do really phenomenal training with Trudy LeBron who's podcast I am going to be mentioning in today's show. And in that training, she said, we have the privilege of people paying attention to us. So the training was for entrepreneurs, specifically, white coaches, and I jotted that down and it's been something on my mind and my heart ever since.
If you are on my email list, then you probably got an email from me Monday on my stance and my thoughts and my feelings on what is happening right now in the US. And the title of that email was "Black Lives Matter At ETC" meaning Erika Tebbens Consulting. So before I tell you about some really great podcasts that I think that you should tech that you should check out, I just want a moment to say that I, I have a platform. I have the privilege of having a platform. I have the privilege of having people. In my audience who know, like, and trust me, who listen to what I have to say, who follow me me on social media, and clients and students who have paid to work with me.
Right? So that is a privilege. I also have the privilege of living in a white body, and that is a very real privilege. And I do not take any of these privileges lightly. And I wanted to use this opportunity of this platform, of this privilege of having me in your ears this week to amplify the voices of other people and to also make it crystal clear where I stand in my business and in my life, because I'm sorry, but especially for solo preneurs or people with small businesses, our personal is our business, right? That the two are united. We are our brand. Even if our brand is not our name, we are our brand. And that comes with a lot of responsibility and a lot of power there really. So I wanted to be sure that I just said a few things here while you're listening to me.
So what I said was in the email was that a lot of business owners, a lot of white business owners have been shying away from saying what is on their minds in their hearts because they don't want to get it wrong right? There, especially among women, there's this perfectionism to always get things right.
That we can't fail publicly. So instead we say nothing in our businesses and, and on our platforms. Uh, and, and as I said in my email, this silence though, it cannot stand. Because this isn't about politics. It's about humanity. It's about the fact that whether you like it or not, or you want to face it or not, this country was built on the idea of white supremacy.
It is not any of our faults in 2020 that we were born into this, right? It is in the soil we walk on, it is in the air we breathe, it is woven into our society. But that doesn't mean that we have to accept it. And it doesn't mean that we throw our hands up and say, well, "I don't know, this is, this is too big. It's too much. It's too uncomfortable. I don't know what to do." Right? We can't do that. We must. We must not only just say, "Wow, this is, this is sad and upsetting, and I'm going to read some books." We have to take action. We, yes, education is important. Uh, listening and paying black educators and leaders is important.
Donating to black led causes. That is all important, but we need to use our voices and our, our power and our platforms and our privilege to speak up and say, "Unequivocally, there is no room for discrimination in my business and my brand in my company. None of it." Right? I mean, if you're listening, maybe if you're listening and you've gotten this far and you don't agree with me, like you can just bounce, right?
I, I'm not here to try to convince you. I'm speaking to two white folks who listened to this podcast who, uh, who, who want to do better. Right? Who want to change the world with their businesses. Because that's what I'm, that's what I'm about. That's what I've always been about. If you don't know my mission and I'm sorry, I don't have it in like a rural, pretty powerful, punchy, like, you know, a statement piece here, but I will just give it straight.
My whole business with becoming a business coach, becoming a strategist was to help more people make more money so that we can change the world. Because you can Google it. But when women, and when I say women, I mean, all women, and I'm also going to include, uh, you know, people on the gender spectrum. So non non-binary, gender, expansive gender fluid.
When we have money, statistically, we change the world for the better. We do. So if you are here, if you, if you want to make more money so that you can do that as well, you, you are onboard with me and I am on board with you. So to you, I want to say that from me, I am unequivocally committed to the work of anti-racism.
I know I'm not always going to get it right. I haven't always gotten it right. I've messed up. I've had to apologize. I've done it in the last week, in fact. This is not about perfection. Okay? This is not about politics. This is about dismantling systems of oppression. And not for nothing, when you have more money, you have more leverage.
You just do. You can give to more causes. You can give to more individuals. You can support better politicians. You have a bigger voice. You have more power when you have money. So that is what we are about here. That is what I'm about. And I want to say unequivocally that black lives matter, black trans lives matter, black children matter, black businesses matter, black leaders matter, black educators matter, black artists matter and on and on and on.
Okay. So I also want it to be known that if you are a black person, a person of color, an indigenous person, that what I'm about to say is not for cookies or kudos or a pat on the back. It's because I want you to know my heart. I have a zero tolerance policy for discrimination in my business, and that starts with a constant examination and unpacking of my own prejudices and biases. I'm intentional about learning more and more all the time so that I may take better action and prevent further harm. So if I ever do or say anything here or in any of my spaces that causes harm or feels off, or it's just not right, I do not ask that you educate me. But please call me out or call me in so that I can make amends, that I can fix it and I can keep doing the deeper work. To figure out why I did that wrong thing in the first place.
Uh, I also am really committed both on a, you know, with spending my time and my money on this work, uh, to listen to and learn from professionals and experts in the areas of, uh, diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism, and specifically within businesses and within the framework of my business, that is a priority for me here, because I refuse to overlook it. I refuse to make it an afterthought. I refuse to inadvertently make any of my spaces feel unsafe for you. Whether you are simply consuming free content or whether you are paying me. And if you are a person of color and you are here and you do listen to me, uh, and you do allow me in your, in your space, I cannot thank you enough. It really, uh, I, I appreciate every listener. Um, but honestly, I, I really do. I appreciate you. I respect you. I care about you.
And if I can ever support you in any way, uh, I know that sounds very like flippant or whatever, but I, I really mean it. If there, if there is something that you need from me, I am here. Uh, in the email, I gave some resources for white folks. Uh, if you didn't get that email, go ahead and reach out to me and I'll forward it to you or get you on my list. Uh, if you did get that email, I would hope that you would check those out. I think that that is, um, You know, that's, that's what I wanted to say. That's what it is to lead with before I got into the, the rest of it, because I wanted to put it at the top so that you wouldn't just listen to my podcast suggestions and then bounce.
Cause this is really important to me and white supremacy and racism are alive and well in this country. And people like me who can, who have the power who have the ability who have the platform and the means and everything to risk more, to dismantle these harmful systems of oppression. We need to do it. The time is now.
It would be unethical for me to take money from people of color, especially black people, and then not honor and respect that trust by not doing the work and by not risking more. Right? And it's really easy not to risk, right? It's really easy not to tell your audience this stuff, right? Because it can make you uncomfortable.
It could cost you likes, it could cost you money, right? It could cost you, uh, people that don't want to be your friends anymore. People who don't want to be your business associates anymore, it can cost you a lot of stuff. But we have to, right? There, there's a line in the sand. It, Rachel Rogers said in her video the other day,"W e have to be unequivocal in our support."
Right? I, I, I take that very seriously. Unequivocal support. So as I do this and I do it imperfectly. I will mess up. I will apologize. I will keep doing better. But I'm not going to let the fear of perfectionism, of not getting it perfect, of maybe making a public messed up. I'm not going to let that get in the way, you know, or, or fearing that somebody is gonna reply to an email of mine and be all mad about it and try to start something with me or in my DMs. That's something I can live with. Right? I can live with that. I can live with somebody who no longer wants to be a client because they want to say all lives matter instead of black lives matter or whatever.
I really don't care. I'm, I'm just this, this is it. I need you to know. So my gosh, we're a 15 minutes. This has gone on longer than I anticipated. Um, but it, it needed to be said. I wanted to take this week to make sure that on my platforms, I'm as clear as possible about this. And if you somehow have been listening to me for 15 minutes and don't agree with this, uh, bless your heart that you've stuck around this long. But if you decide that you need to unsubscribe now that you need to unfollow me now, please, by all means, please do.
Um, I, I feel sad for you. I would hope that you would check your heart. Uh, and, but you know, I'm not gonna, I'm not going to beg and plead for anyone to stick around. Right? So this week, here's what I want you to do. Especially if you are a white listener. Now, some of these are meant more for a black audience, especially when it like, like two in particular.
So I'm including those because they are great podcasts. But if you are a white listener, one thing that I would really suggest is to decolonize where you're consuming information. So what I mean by that? I mean, any place that you are consuming anything. Whether that is just novels for fun, you know, you're like thinking about like your summer reads right now, or whether that is social media accounts or whether that is Netflix shows or movies or anything really.
See if you can learn from different people, right? It's just going to, it's going to help you get a different vantage point on something, right? Like even just, I don't know, like I knit, right? So buying yarn or patterns from makers of color, right? It's, it's a niche hobby, right? Like there might be some other like niche hobbies that you love and there's podcasts for.
And there was a podcast put out about that niche from a woman of color. Like let's, you know, subscribe to that, listen to that, right? It's going to shift your perspective. So here are 11 that I have put together for you that I would hope that you start subscribing to and checking out. Okay. So first up, we have the Social Savvy Podcast with Social Media Strategist, Andrea Jones, who is super brilliant, and you are going to learn so much and she has amazing guests on there.
We have the Business, Life And Joy Podcast with Shunta grant. She is also a brilliant business woman. You might remember this next person from this podcast, she was a guest. So Tasha Booth of the Launch Guild runs the How She Did That Podcast. It is rad. You're going to love it. She has also, she has really great guests and really great tips.
Hello Seven with Rachel Rogers. Rachel Rogers is amazing. If you don't follow her, you a hundred percent need to follow her. The Nicole Walters Podcast. She is really short episodes usually. And she's just amazing. Also be sure to follow her on Instagram too. Myleik Teele, I've been following Myleik Teele for years. She runs a company called CurlBOX and she is just phenomenal. Like she is such an inspiration and. Uh, the, the brand and the company that she's built, and her backstory is amazing. I don't know, like on her podcast. Um, there's a lot of older episodes. I don't think it's currently updated quite as much, but she does a lot of little mini sessions, um, under the hashtag my taught you and why my taught you, uh, on her Instagram.
So definitely check her out over there. Uh, then there is Black Woman CEO with Quanisha Green. That is excellent. That is one that is specifically for black women running businesses and then some other that are a little bit, um, more like lifestyle and business. Well, so actually now that I say that Rants And Randomness with Luvvie Ajayi has, uh, she talks a bit about her, uh, some business stuff in there too.
So that's not, not entirely lifestyle, but, uh, she's amazing. And you also want to follow her on Instagram because she puts up great videos and other content there. So that was Rants And Randomness with Luvvie Ajayi. All of these are going to be in the show notes by the way, too. So I, I don't expect you to memorize them as you're listening. Uh, and then chew other that are more lifestyle than business.
Uh, Therapy For Black Girls with Joy Harden Bradford, PhD. And if you are a fan of comedy, like I am, you definitely want to check out 2 Dope Queens with Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams. Now I know that 2 Dope Queens is not putting out any new episodes, but they have tons of back episodes. That show is hilarious.
If you don't like swearing or like sexual talk or anything, you probably won't like it. But if you're, if you're down with that, if you love comedy, I really strongly suggest that you check that out. So let me just double check my list here. Oh, no one more. Oh my gosh. I can't believe, I almost forgot the, the one that I, whose podcast I mentioned at the very beginning of the show.
So, uh, the podcast is called, that's not how this works. Nope, I'm sorry. That's Not How That Works with Louisa "Weeze" Dorin and Trudi LeBron. So I, that was a, a new one to me. I had just learned about Trudi LeBron. Um, over the weekend when I took her workshop and then found out that she has a podcast and I was, uh, I been listening to it recently and it is so, so, so good.
So that one is, uh, there's a lot of good information on there. If you are starting this work or even diving deeper into this work of anti-racism, um, and diversity, equity and inclusion, you'll definitely want to check that out. So again, it's called, That's Not How That Works. Um, andI know Trudi also has, uh, a new podcast that's um, just a solo show, uh, without a co-host.
So yeah, here's the list. I hope that you find that useful. If any of these are ones that you already listened to or have listened to. I would love to know if you have any other suggestions for me, of ones that you love, be sure to come and tell me. Money is power. And it is, it is time for all of us to make more.
I know we can. I know we can. Trust and believe. I believe in you. I believe in all of us. Normally, I, I end this with saying happy selling and I will say happy selling. Go out there, get that money. But also, thank you for being here. Thank you for giving me the privilege of listening to my platform.
Thank you for wanting to do the work. For wanting to change the world with your business and for doing the hard stuff, you know, in the day-to-day of running a business. It is hard. Maybe not every second. But you know, it's, it's a lot, a lot of personal development work goes into running a business. And part of that needs to be this work of dismantling harmful systems. So if we can figure out all the other stuff, all the other mindsets stuff in business, I know we've got this. I know we can do it. Again, thank you so much for listening.
Thank you so much for allowing me to use my voice and allowing me to use my platform to amplify the voices of black women as well. Have a great week.
Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode of the, Sell It, Sister Podcast. If you loved it and you want more, be sure to subscribe so that you never miss an episode and then head on over to sellitsisterhood.com to join my free Facebook community group. And as your mama said, "Sharing is caring." So if you got a lot of value out of this episode, be sure to share it with your biz besties too.
Okay? Now get out there and Sell It, Sister!