Ep. 142: An Offer Type for Repeat Sales


One thing I’ve had in my business for years and that I share with my clients is an offer type that makes it simple to have repeat sales. It’s also a really great way to ensure you’re getting more qualified leads for your offers that are a larger time or money investment.

I often refer to them as “On-Ramp/Off-Ramp” Offers or “Hell Yes!” Entry Offers. These are short time-investment, but high-impact offers that can really help to ramp up your revenue and allow you the opportunity to impact more people.

I explain what they are, how to use them, and why they are so valuable in this episode.


Rebellious Success

  • Welcome to the, sell it sister podcast. I am really, really, really excited to explain what I'm going to explain today. All about an offer type that I really love. And my clients really love that makes it super easy to. Get more clients working with you initially, but also is a really great way to get repeat business and referral business too.

    Um, mostly because people are going to love it and love the results that they get from it. So in my rebellious success coaching program, one of the six key pillars, uh, to. Regenerative growth that is rooted in our core values. And our bold visions is impact, which is all about the way that we impact our clients, right.

    It's how we do our impactful work. And it's also how we impact our own bank accounts as well. And so impact is all about offers. It's all about intentional offer design, which means that. I don't subscribe to any specific type of business model or offer suite or anything like that. Of course, I have my best suggestions, which is what I go over in the program.

    Right. So it's, it's really about like the fastest path to cash in a way that feels really good and allows you to. Spend more time in your, in your purpose rather than like having to market. And, uh, and so I have my, my best suggestions on how to make this happen, but I also honor that we are all different humans and different models, like business models work differently, um, for different people and for different goals and, and things.

    But this tends to go really, really well for people. And it has been one of the biggest revenue drivers for me in my business. So I call this two different things. It's either a hell yes entry offer or an on-ramp offer. Offer. So on-ramp off-ramp offer is really like, I'm going to focus more on that today rather than it just being at the entry offer rather than just being the on-ramp, because it's not about just getting more clients, but it's about more repeat business.

    So an on-ramp off-ramp offer is a small offer. When I say small, I don't necessarily mean in price, right. I don't necessarily mean it's a small investment. This is not like one of those psych 37 or $47 offers. I mean, it's small in scope and it's small in time together, but it's really big in terms of.

    Impact and cause again, it's all, it's all about the impact here, right? So the purpose of this offer is you want to have something that is a hell yes. For somebody considering working with you. That is not just like any person, but your absolute perfect fit client. What is something that you could do that would solve an immediate problem for that?

    In the work that you do and the, you know, the way that you do it, that would be like a, like a, just a total win. Right. It would just, it would feel so good. It would make perfect sense that they would invest in it. And you would be able to show up and shine and blow them away with. Your brilliance and it would also give them a chance to see what it is like to work with you before they may be commit to a larger type of offer with you.

    Like something that is maybe a longer time commitment, a larger monetary investment, all of those things. Right? So it's going to be something that, as I said, is going to quickly solve a key. Issue or frustration or desire that they have right now. So I'm gonna use this example. I have two brilliant money coaches in rebellious success right now, one who works with individuals and one who works with entrepreneurs.

    And so in, in this example of something that could be. Uh, like the, the on-ramp offer, right? The hell yes. Entry offer. And then don't worry. I will, I will get around to talking about how it's also an off-ramp offer as well. It would be something like if you had part of your. Work that you do with clients, if there's a, uh, first thing that you always do together.

    So in the case of like a money coach, so let's say that's like getting all of the numbers together and making the initial. Plan, right. Like making, making the budget and, uh, and you know, or, or like a profit plan in the case of the one who works with entrepreneurs, um, or making a flexible spending plan.

    Right. So that is even if you're going to work closely with somebody, let's say for three months, six months, a year, whatever there's going to be, that thing that is going to. Get them over that first hurdle. So this could be something that you would do again, depending on your, your business and your clientele and all of that.

    This could be something that like, maybe it only takes you an hour, right? Maybe you can have them. Like pre fill out a form with some numbers for you, and then you get on zoom and you work it out together and you put it all together and you're like, great. Here's your, here's your spreadsheet? And, um, here's like a prerecorded short video that is going to like walk you through some of like the, you know, the rest of the steps or whatever.

    Like not in a way of like, uh, Where you're not going to do the work, but they like, that's one of those instances where it's like, if you're doing this multiple times, like you can, you can systematize. If there's like something like a walk-through overview, kind of like a welcome video in a course, like where you don't necessarily need to repeat yourself to every person.

    You can just systematize that habit, ready to go give it to them with that like deliverable thing, and then they have it. And then maybe they have like two weeks of support with you after in case they have any questions after they watch the walkthrough video and start implementing the plan. Right. Or it could be like, even up to 30 days, I would say for, for these types of offers, you don't want to go longer than 30 days.

    So that, that would be a really great thing. Right? You, you have the initial thing, you give them the plan and the ready to go, because for some people, some people just need the plan. Right. Some people are going to be like, oh my gosh, thank you. That was so helpful. I just like, couldn't figure out how to do this on my own.

    None of the other methods or. Apps or things I had tried, like, none of them made sense, but I have it now. I like you walk me through it. I feel really confident. This is great. I'm now I'm just going to keep utilizing it. Right. And get the results that I will get from utilizing it. And then there are going to be other people who are like, yeah, I got it.

    It's great. I'm super stoked that we did that together. And also. I know myself well enough. I feel like I would really benefit from more support, more accountability, more regular check-ins, uh, four times when I am stressed or overwhelmed. And I just need somebody to like, you know, verbally processes with who will kind of reground me, you know, and then it makes sense to move them into.

    One of your other offers, right? If you have a larger offer, like a retainer type offer, something like that, then you can move them over into that offer. But this is a really great way for them to, uh, get the experience of working with you and being able to be impacted by you and your work. Again, it's going to be pretty short.

    Now it might take you longer than an hour. Right. So if you're like, I, the thing I do, I couldn't do it like in an hour or whatever. Right. If. Money coaches. And you're like, oh my gosh. It would like, if I'm a money coach, it's going to take me several hours. Like put all that together for somebody in a way that's like not overwhelming to them.

    Like maybe your particular clients, cause you know, your clients best. Maybe they are going to shut down, having to like grab all those numbers themselves and put them into. Uh, like a form ahead of time. So maybe you need to give yourself a little bit longer on the call and you're you are going to do it in tandem, right.

    You're going to do it together and build out together. That's totally fine. So these offers are usually, you know, could be like an hour, could be a VIP day. Um, could be, you know, maybe a couple of sessions, like a one hour, one day, one hour on the next day. It's all going to depend on the work you do, how you do it, who you do it for and what you want to solve with this, uh, with this offer, again, this is, this is one, one thing that you're doing this isn't like a whole massive, um, project or anything like that.

    It is one key thing that you are one key hurdle that you are getting. Over. Right. So now going back to the, you know, somebody might want, uh, more assistance, right? So one thing you can do, cause I know I said you shouldn't make this container longer than 30 days, but one thing that you can do is around the 30 day mark, or if there's another point out, maybe it's 45 days, maybe it's 60 days who knows, again, it all depends.

    You are going to have a set schedule in which you. Follow up with them, right? You can do this and you can communicate it to them that like, Hey, you know, you have, you have me on Voxer and email for two weeks after our session or after I deliver the plan to you or the, whatever the thing is. If you have a deliverable, which you also don't need to have a deliverable, but in case you do you say.

    You know, you get me on Voxer email support for two weeks. Um, but at the 30 day, mark, I am going to check in and just see how things are going or, you know, whatever your follow-up timeline is. That makes sense for you. Because then at that point, that is a natural place to say, Is this something like, how's it going?

    How are things? Is this something that you feel like you need additional help and support around? And then again, it creates a beautiful opportunity to give them other options on how they can get that ongoing support for. Now you might have something in your business, depending on your offer suite that is not open all the time.

    Right? So it might not make sense to check in with people at like 30 days or 60 days, because maybe you have a group program that only opens up a couple of times a year. Well, you can also just put them into your followup system that when you are getting ready to open. Enrollment for that program. You reach out to them ahead of time, ahead of like your public facing launch.

    And you say, Hey, I only have 10 spots. I would love to work with you again. You know, we did that, that one offer together is as something you'd be interested in. And this is what allows your launches to be more low key, because you were filling. A list of hot leads all the time, because these are people who've actually got to experience what it's like to work with you.

    So that is the on-ramp right? So it's getting people on the on-ramp into your. Orbit of paid offers into what it's like to actually work with you. And then let's say that they move into that larger offer. So maybe it's ongoing coaching. Maybe it's some sort of like retainer support or something like that.

    And, or, you know, group program, whatever you name it, um, what you can also do. And this is why I call it. Off-ramp. Because this is a high impact like micro offer. This is a perfect way for people who have already worked with you because not everyone's going to come in through the micro offer, right? Some people are just going to come into your larger, your offer, but once people have worked with you, depending on the type of work you do, there may be a point in the future where you are like, Okay.

    I don't actually need like the ongoing work services coaching. You name it. I don't need that. But what I need is like a tune-up right. I need something that I can. Go back to, that's going to help me again with that problem. And I've already worked with this person and I love this person and I trusted this person.

    So now I'm going to go back to them and maybe I was in a coaching program, but I know that they have this other micro offer and I'm going to go back and I'm going to do that micro offer with them to get the help I need in this moment right now. So. Sort of off ramp people, right? So out of your larger containers, out of your larger offers, you have, uh, they have gone in, on the off ramp, like the, the highway, the freeway, like off-ramp, they're out on their own.

    And then they come back for that tune-up offer. So in the case of the money coach, so if for the money coach who has, um, who serves just individuals, right. Uh, people who are not necessarily entrepreneurs. This could be that their financial situation has drastically changed. So maybe like they got married or maybe they got a different job or maybe they got a promotion or, um, they're going to have a baby or something large is changing.

    And even though they have that great system, they have that great methodology. They feel like, yeah, but I'm worried I might overlook something like, I know I have this, I know I have, you know, kind of what I need, but I also really just, I would feel really supported in this moment to go back to this trusted expert who have already worked with who I know will, you know, be honest and helpful and nonjudgmental.

    And I just want to make sure that there is nothing that I am. Overlooking. Right. So then they could come back around and they could book in to that offer with you. And then maybe, you know, you spend, I don't know, 90 minutes together or something. And. You formulate that plan and then they have their plan and they have a little bit of support for, you know, a couple of weeks after and they are good to go.

    And they're like, oh my gosh, I feel so much better. Right. Or in the case of the, the one that works entrepreneurs, maybe that entrepreneur, maybe it's a year out and they are getting ready to level up. They are getting ready to massively raise their rates or relaunch a signature program or. Something else, right?

    Maybe now they are going to be the primary earner in their household and they need a new profit plan. They need a new like revenue, uh, forecast from this money. And so then they can go back to the money expert and say, Hey, I, stuff has changed. Right. And I need a new plan. And I know we did it together before, and I could probably DIY this, but I don't, I don't want to, I want to work with you.

    Right. So this makes it very easy. So I hope you can kind of see it, like in your mind's eye, how it's like an on-ramp to your. Main like signature offers and it's also an off-ramp. So for people who've already gone through your signature offers, they can come back. So again, it's a great low commitment, high impact way to get people to start working with you.

    So they get experienced your magic. It's a great way for people who've already experienced your magic. Just need a little extra. Judging up, uh, with you in, in the method of your magic, they can just come back and they can get it right. So it just, it, it makes it so simple and so streamlined and it makes perfect sense.

    And depending on what the offer is, right? Like, uh, I have a lot of friends and clients, and this is something I've done myself at different points in time with. If you, like, let's say your, you have like a one-to-one, um, six month coaching program and month one. Is like in assessment, right? So you go through assessment, you make the plan, whatever, and then you, you kind of pull out that assessment in that plan as like your hell yes.

    Entry offer your on-ramp off-ramp offer like you have that. So one thing you can also do is let's say you have somebody that does that. Well, you might have it set up that within that, you know, one or two weeks of follow-up support, you might say, Hey, If you are feeling right now, like you already want to continue this work with me by your side, we can actually just credit what you've spent and have it count as month one.

    And then we will just pick up and do months, like, uh, you know, two, three. Six, right. We'll do the remaining five months. So again, it can be a great way to just like, they've already spent that money and they're just rolling into your larger program. Now that's not to say you have to do that or that it's necessary for everyone or that it even makes sense for everyone, but it is also just an option that I wanted to give you.

    So hopefully this, uh, your brain is swirling with some ideas right now. Hopefully this will help you. Simplify and streamline, um, not only your offer suite, but also your marketing, right? Because you can always just spend a lot more of your time marketing, that entry offer, and then allowing people the opportunity to experience you.

    Moving a portion of those people into your larger, uh, program, because they will happily want to be in that larger, in that larger offer with you. Um, so yeah, this is just, it's, it's really, it's a really great way to increase your revenue and decrease your working time, which is what I'm all about. And which is what I'm all about in my rebellious success program as well.

    So obviously, you know, offers there's a. Else that goes into it, right. In order to have ongoing, consistent repeat revenue growth and consistent clients and, uh, ongoing like regenerative style success. It's a lot more than just. Your offer suite, your offer suite does play a big part, but there's also making sure that your sales and marketing and your schedule and everything are beautifully aligned with that.

    And that is something that we do in rebellious success, which is open for enrollment right now. So if you have big dreams and goals this year, and you're like, yeah, I don't really want to just randomly try to piecemeal this together from a bunch of different. Places. And I also don't want to waste a lot of time on like research and trial and error.

    I just, I really want an expert to just help me with a plan and I really want a community that will be there and support me through my growth. That is also values aligned. Then I strongly suggest checking out rebellious success before the doors close for this round. So you can learn all about it at rebellious hyphen success.

    Dot com. Again, that's rebellious, hyphen success.com. Check it out. You can apply and we will be in touch. But if you have any questions before you apply, you can either DM them to me on Instagram at Erica consulting, or shoot me an email at Erica at Eric dot com. And I will be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions before you apply.

    But this program is. Truly, it's my favorite thing I've ever. Created, it's my way of making the most impact with my clients truly. Um, and I honestly think it's one of the best ways I know I'm biased, but there, listen, I, I, I speak only based on the results I have seen and the words that my clients have told me from the program.

    I honestly think it is one of the greatest containers and communities where you can. Grow your established business really deeply in alignment with your core values and your bold vision so that your success can lie at the intersection of well paid well, rested and well respected. I hope you love this episode.

    I hope you got a ton. Out of it. If you have anyone in your life that you think would also really love this episode would be served really well by having this information, I would be flattered if you share it with them. And I always love hearing from my listeners. So if you share this on Instagram, be sure to tag me Eric cabins consulting.

    So I can say hi and thank you for listening. And as. Happy selling.


Ep. 143: What to DIY & Where to Get Help


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